Wholesale Coffee

La Villa Coffee Company only sources coffees which are 100% Mexican in origin.
These high-grown coffees are world class in their quality and consecutive winners of ACE (Alliance Cup of Excellence) Competitions for many years with consistent SCA sensorial cupping scores from between 85 and 93 points. There are four principle coffee producing regions. (Veracruz, Chiapas, Oaxaca, and Puebla)
The consistent repeating flavor profiles that always jump to the forefront of these coffees is: brown sugar, vanilla, almond, lemon grass, hazelnut, citrus, cacao, and stone fruits with hints of rosehip, cinnamon and black pepper. Depending on the fermenting process that is applied, (washed, natural, honey, or double fermentations) these notes can certainly change in their intensity and depth. However, the one factor that continually remains consistent once roasted is the incredibly smooth balance between acidity and their natural flavor profiles.
Throughout the harvesting and buying season of the year, our inventory may vary as to which specific lots we may have available at the time. The varietals that we carry on a consistent basis are as follows: Typical, Red Bourbon, Mundo Novo, Oro Azteca, Garnet (Garnica), Catimor, Caturra, Costa Rica, Columbian, Marsellesa, Pacamara, and Geisha. Most of our green coffee offerings will be washed process. However, in the future we will be offering smaller lots of the following processes: honey, naturals, and double fermentations.
All of our green coffee beans go through a rigorous selection process to ensure that we are delivering to our clients only the highest quality beans.
- Strictly High Grown. The cooler temps at high altitudes creates denser sugar levels
- Picked at the very peak of their ripeness to insure high brix sugar levels.
- Raised African screen bed drying or Open Patio Dried
- Electronic density selection process to select only the highest quality beans
Then finally processed with an Oliver selector to ensure consistent bean size.